Losing belly fat things to take note

Body fat in general is not that all bad to be considered. To some extent, fat is needed by the body for some functions. On the other note, when fat is accumulated more than what our body requires, then that is already a bad fat, you can be considered obese or overweight. As such is the case, losing some fat is required because fat has the tendency to accumulate in the belly.

Six Steps to Fix Your Abdominal Fat!

Learning how to lose stubborn belly fat might appear to be unattainable, but this article will teach you that it is possible whenever you know very well what you're doing. If you are eating 3 big foods each day, you need to STOP if you want to understand how to lose stubborn belly fat! On the other hand,..

The Triple Attack to Lose Belly Fat Fast

You need the "Triple Attack To Lose Belly Fat Fast". I'll tell you what you need to hear, (not necessarily what you want to hear), to lose belly fat fast... and get rid of those love handles and that beer belly once and for all!

The 10 best ways to lose belly fat fast

Clearly if you're struggling to lose belly fat you're using the wrong method. You don't need to starve yourself, endless crunches or even surgery to lose fat off your stomach. First off, it's not going to be a walk through the park but if you're committed to losing belly fat then it's possible

Losing Belly Fat - Extremely Effective Tips For Health Conscious Minds

If you want to know the right plan of losing the belly fat, throw away those miracle methods. First of all, starving yourself will not help you in losing your stubborn belly fat. This is because when you deprive your body of food and nutrients, your body tends to fight back and lower your metabolism considerably

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Triple Attack to Lose Belly Fat Fast

Belly fat, you don't want it, you can't hide it... and no matter what you do, you can't seem to get rid of it!  And once you look in the mirror and see the belly fat hanging down, I know you want to get rid of it fast.

You need the "Triple Attack To Lose Belly Fat Fast".  I'll tell you what you need to hear, (not necessarily what you want to hear), to lose belly fat fast... and get rid of those love handles and that beer belly once and for all!

So if you're willing to hear the truth about losing fat fast, and do something about it, you can develop the washboard six pack, flat stomach, lean abdominals you've always wanted... absent of the belly fat that has been keeping you from performing, feeling and looking your best!

The Triple Attack To Lose Belly Fat Fast!

Many of you have tried endless crunches and sit ups in search for the six pack look... only to end up tired and frustrated with muscles hidden by layers of fat.  Others have tried reduced calories diets to lose belly fat... and even after all the sacrifices, ending up with more belly fat than when you started.  It seems like nothing works.

The reason... losing belly fat cannot be accomplished, (for most), by the exclusive use of either exercise or diet.  As a matter of fact you need a triple attack to lose belly fat fast!

Your belly fat is a RESULT of your workout program, nutrition plan and lifestyle... so to reduce belly fat you must CHANGE what you do, what you eat and how you live.

It IS as simple as that!

To lose belly fat fast you must...

- burn belly fat through exercise...

- lose belly fat through proper diet...

- avoid belly fat through healthy lifestyle.

And yes, you must do all three if you want to lose belly fat fast... no "can I do only one" or "there has to be an easier way".  And no, there aren't any super fat loss pills or magic potions you can take to lose belly fat fast.

I told you it might not be what you want to hear!

Belly Fat Attack #1... Lose Belly Fat Fast Through Exercise

In order to get rid of that embarrassing belly fat... you must exercise to burn fat.

I know what your thinking... "I tried that, and it didn't work!"  And you're right... most exercise programs won't significantly help you lose belly fat fast.  You must combine resistance training to build muscle, intense cardio to burn calories and targeted ab exercise to firm and tighten your mid-section and stomach area.

Only be combining all three methods of exercise will you begin to build the body that will drive belly fat into extinction.  Because after all, this type of exercise does not just destroy belly fat... it builds a muscular, attractive body!

But no amount of exercise will make up for a poor diet, so...

Belly Fat Attack #2... Lose Belly Fat Fast Through Proper Diet

In order to expose the firm, tight core you develop through exercise... you must lose belly fat through proper diet and nutrition.

Oh no, I said the 4 letter word "diet".  By "diet" I don't mean those restrictive calorie diets you tried before... only to end up with more belly fat than when you started.  As a matter of fact... don't concentrate on only reducing calories!

Don't focus on what you can't eat... focus on how you should eat to make belly fat a distant memory.  Eat properly, embrace healthy eating habits and improve metabolism... and the belly fat will come off!

If you've been paying attention so far, you would have realized I have changed the classic axiom of "Exercise More, Eat Less" to "Exercise Better, Eat Better"!

But exercise and diet are not the only things you can do to lose belly fat fast...

Belly Fat Attack #3... Lose Belly Fat Fast Through Healthy Lifestyle

There is more to life than exercise and diet... your body is a dynamic organism, reacting and adapting to all outside and inside influences.  Therefore, don't sabotage your exercise and diet efforts with an unhealthy lifestyle and low self image.  Drinking, smoking, stress, poor sleeping habits, low self image, etc. all effect your body and can contribute to the accumulation of belly fat.

Getting rid of excess belly fat can actually lower high blood pressure... a major health risk.  Reduce stress, and you create an environment where belly fat fails to thrive.  Last, but certainly not least, improve self image to ensure long term leanness... and you'll keep the bell fat off forever.

The Triple Attack To Lose Belly Fat Fast works... but exactly how it is applied by each individual will be unique to that individual.  While there is probably room for improvement in all the areas of exercise, diet and lifestyle... there is usually one area that is more of a problem than the others.  To start seeing RESULTS for your efforts faster... focus on your biggest problem area first!

Change what you do (effective fat loss workout), what you eat (a healthy diet) and how you live (habits that support your diet and exercise) and you WILL lose belly fat fast.

Coach Eddie Lomax knows that to lose belly fat fast you must use the best combination of fat loss workout, proper diet and healthy lifestyle. He uses this criteria to rate the best fat loss workouts of trusted trainers on: [http://www.bestfatlossworkout.com] Find your best fat loss workout [http://www.bestfatlossworkout.com] and get rid of belly fat fast starting today.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Losing Belly Fat - The Things To Take Note

People are called fat if they have bigger body than anyone else, much more when they have belly fat. As such, losing belly fat is one of the concerns among many today. it doesn't only impose a health risk, but a psychological torture for them seeing themselves not pleasing to look at.

Body fat in general is not that all bad to be considered. To some extent, fat is needed by the body for some functions. However, you need to understand the difference between the good and bad fat. Good fat can give you essential vitamins such as A, D, E and K which our body benefits from. On the other note, when fat is accumulated more than what our body requires, then that is already a bad fat, you can be considered obese or overweight. As such is the case, losing some fat is required because fat has the tendency to accumulate in the belly.

There are a lot of major factors contributing to belly fat. These are overeating, no exercise, and lack of balanced diet. When you eat often to restaurants serving bigger than required, or you eat even when not hungry, or having midnight snacks over movie marathon, going to parties and celebrating holidays with bunch of foods. All these and more can add to belly fat. Even those that you do daily, like driving instead of walking, or using stairs than the elevator are an added factor.

There could have been a lot of fats burnt when you use the stairs or walk instead, but people are busy and becoming lazy these days. Those fast food chains can also increase fats, sugars and carbohydrates in your diets. Your simple disregard of vegetables and fruits is a big factor. Your belly fat can even be more when you have a high calorie intake. Adding more calories than what are only needed by the body, the more fats to be stored. How sedentary your lifestyle can slow down your metabolism.

Really, it is tough losing belly fat, you have to make a sacrifice and determination to do it. It will never happen overnight or even a week. The process will take long. However, so long as you set your goals realistically and you have been keeping your eye on the goal, you will see the desired result soon. Here are some tips for everyone to get rid of belly and say hello to a flat and sexy tummy.

To get yourself motivated to do necessary ways to lose belly fat, you have to understand what are the risks associated with it, most especially the health risks. Belly fat has always been linked with cardiovascular diseases (heart conditions), diabetes (high sugar) and cancer. This is so because fat cells from the belly fat would produce hormones and other substances that are detrimental to health. On the other note, since belly is close to the liver, fatty liver is also common among fat people. For you to be able to know if you are unhealthy or not, here's how to measure.

With the use of tape measure, wrap it around your waist at the level of your navel. A measurement of more than 35 inches for women and 40 inches for men is considered to be unhealthy/obese/overweight.

Exercise for weight loss all over the body especially in the belly is important. Again, spot-reduction is not advised. Do not focus only on your belly to flatten it, instead, do a total body work out. Do calorie burning exercises rather than just sit-ups or crunches. Abdominal exercises are not an effective way to lose belly fat because it only strengthens your abdominals. A good cardiovascular or aerobic exercise is more beneficial. It is also proven that a combination of resistance training and cardiovascular exercise works better. A study would even show that those who lifted weights and did cardio at the same time lost twice as much belly fat than those who did cardio alone. Exercise can also reduce stress, thus, decreasing the hormone that cause more belly fat deposits.

It is important to know how to structure the workouts. Don't waste all the time doing abdominal exercise targeting only the stomach area because it would not be very effective. It is quite unfortunate that many people still do not understand this and spend so much time doing exercise that targets the belly. Majority of the workout time must be spent doing multi-joint exercises with different parts of the body such as legs, chest, back, etc. as that would increase metabolic rate during and after the workout.

Changing your diet is also very important to consider. Do not restrict calorie intake, just reduce what are unnecessary.

It is also important to switch refined grains to whole grains. Eating whole grains with an additional serving of fruits and vegetables, low fat dairy products, lean meats (fish or pultry) can help lose more belly fat than eating refined grains. Remember, whole grains can change the glucose response of the body that can speed up melting of the deep layer of fat in the stomach which in turn can be easier for the body to burn the fats under the body.

A higher ratio of monounsaturated fats can also prevent the accumulation of belly fats. These fats are usually seen among avocado, nuts and seeds (cashew, peanuts, and almonds), dark chocolate, grape seed oil, etc.

Trans fats found in margarine, crackers, cookies, etc. can cause more fat being deposited in the abdomen; so this should be avoided.

Soluble fibers can reduce the hormone that causes fat production. Eat more of these which are mostly found in apples, oats, cherries, beans, etc.

Consume more fat burning foods with a negative calorie content. Examples are beans, apples, apricots, olive oil, egg white, lean cuts of meats, etc.

Losing belly fat as always is not an easy thing to do. The more you do something worth the effort, the more you will succeed. Most people fail in their want to lose a belly fat because they stop at the middle as they cannot bear the exhaustion, and the most who succeeded are the persons who can take the challenge as in a positive way, those who find exhaustion a challenge, those who are very persevering to do it whatever it takes. So, when you want to be fit and with a flat tummy, be a positive person who can fit in into the newly adopted lifestyle for a healthier and sexier you.

Next, learn how to stay motivated and accordingly to your weight loss plans without falling short. Click on the following link and learn what is needed in order to eliminate belly fat.

Are you trying to reduce waist size in order to fit in those slim pants? Visit StaySlimLoseWeight.com today and learn the tips on keeping slim and losing weight in order to fit into those sexy pants.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Losing Belly Fat - Extremely Effective Tips For Health Conscious Minds

Today we are being told so many things on how to lose belly fat that we don't really know what to believe & how to proceed. A good way to start your diet and exercise regimen is by first identifying the myths that go with many fast fat burning plans. It's really just common sense, you have to burn more calories that are in our body in order to lose the belly fat in a phased manner.

If you want to know the right plan of losing the belly fat, throw away those miracle methods. First of all, starving yourself will not help you in losing your stubborn belly fat. This is because when you deprive your body of food and nutrients, your body tends to fight back and lower your metabolism considerably. With lower metabolism, your body will start to burn less and less calories each day. As a result, you'll end up gaining all the weight back, and perhaps even more of it.

Another myth is the less sleep you get, the more belly fat you lose. This is not true and extremely unhealthy. Not getting enough sleep will interrupt with your normal body functions, therefore also interrupting with your metabolism. You will also not be able to do any belly fat exercise since you won't have enough energy.

Finally, targeting only the abdomen during exercise is probably the most popular misconception around. Doing a hundred crunches will not help you in losing your belly fat. Even if you build the muscles underneath, the fat in the belly area will not be lost effectively. This is because your entire body needs to be pumped up to lose fat all-around. You can't just keep working a particular part of your body and expect fat to burn only in that area, our body just doesn't work that way.

So how can we start losing belly fat the right way? First, make it a point to do an overall lifestyle change. It all begins with your attitude. Without enough motivation and the will to change, you'll just end up going back to your old routine and gaining back your belly fat. Do not think of your lifestyle change as a diet. You will need to get used to new eating habits. For instance, instead of eating 2 or 3 heavy meals a day, eat smaller portions yet more frequently, around 5 to 6 times a day. This will help maintain good metabolism. Drop bad habits like sodas and caffeine when you can. Instead, incorporate more lower calorie, more filling and more nutritious food like fruits, vegetables and lean protein.

Don't just do one type of exercise. You can't expect to be losing belly fat effectively by simply walking everyday. You need to do some interval training and incorporate both cardiovascular and strength training. You can do around 30 minutes of cardio and then the next 30 minutes doing some weights, lunges, crunches and pushups afterwards. The cardio workout will help you lose fat around the belly as well as tone your abs to have it in top shape. When you do strength training, you still continue to burn calories even several minutes after you have already finished working out.

Losing belly fat should not be a complicated process. You just have to get into your healthier lifestyle gradually and stick with it.

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Friday, March 1, 2013

The 10 Best Ways To Lose Belly Fat - Fast and Healthy Starting Today

If you're interested in the best way to lose belly fat you're definitely not alone. Many people out there who have some extra flab around the stomach are constantly asking this same question daily. Out of all of the approaches out there what exactly is the best one to take? People resort to sit-ups, severe calorie cutting, too much cardio and fat burner supplements.

Clearly if you're struggling to lose belly fat you're using the wrong method. You don't need to starve yourself, endless crunches or even surgery to lose fat off your stomach. First off, it's not going to be a walk through the park but if you're committed to losing belly fat then it's possible. Many times people want to put the effort into it but it's just a matter of having the right plan.

1. Forget about the crunches - Look, crunches work the stomach muscles but they're not going to attack the belly fat over the abs to the extent you're wanting. The biggest thing you're doing is wasting your time.

2. Build overall strength - This helps build some muscle and promote fat loss with increased metabolic rate after you're done working out. Please don't take this as you need to be a body builder, you don't. This just implies doing some full body exercises that increase the heart rate a bit and attack your core strength. Exercises like the squat and deadlift work great for this.

The great things about these exercises are they make your workout time very efficient and work the body from head to toe. This is important so you're not wasting valuable time in your busy day. Remember working the core body and becoming stronger helps promote losing belly fat.

3. Eat Healthy - this is as straight forward as can be. The old saying goes your abs are built in the kitchen and this is entirely true. You can do all the training and exercises you want but if you're eating like a slob and not putting value into what you put into your body don't expect to lose belly fat. There's a good chance since you're interested in how to lose belly fat that for your particular body type all fat tends towards the stomach. For some people it's the butt, arms, thighs etc. If that's the case then look more towards whole foods and stay away from sugary carbonated beverages.

No need to be perfect. Eating junk food actually helps fat loss by keeping your hormones sharp. Don't overdo it though. Eat junk food 10% of the time max. That's 4 junk meals/week if you eat 6 meals/day.

You don't need to be a perfectionist with it but keep it to a lower minimum when you do have junk food. That could be 4 total junk meals per week if you eat 6 meals a day.

4. Must Limit Your Alcohol Intake - If you're expecting to lose belly fat what you drink is just as important if not more important than what you eat. Alcohol in moderation is OK but if you drink beer and liquors often then don't expect to see your abs anytime soon.

Limit your alcohol consumption to once a week and that's not saying the drunk type. It's have a couple drinks but limit it. Outside of that drink water and unsweetened teas if you want to know the best way to lose belly fat.

5. Consume Less Carbs - You need carbs for energy of course but the issue is people eat way more than they actually need. Remember, you're not bulking up to a be a pro athlete. Any carbs your body doesn't need it will store it up as fat. And for you that seems it may be in the belly. Stick to fruits and veggies in support of your lean meats and you should be good. The potatoes, pasta, rice and breads should be limited.

6. Eat More! - Contrary to common belief eating a lot of healthy food won't make you fat. If you're exercising routinely and starving yourself this is the wrong approach and a huge mistake. Healthy nutrition with your working out is key. If you starve yourself your body is going to burn muscle and NOT fat. This is not what you're going for if you want to lose belly fat.

If you're hungry this means you're not eating enough but don't fill yourself up on junk. If you eat healthy food then you can't give your body a reason.

7. Increase Protein - Protein has a higher thermic effect than other foods meaning that your body burns more energy processing protein than it does processing your carbs and fats. So if you increase your protein with lean meats like organic chicken and wild caught fish this will help you lose belly fat. If you're working out a few times a week try to get 0.5 to 1 grams of protein per body weight.

8. Eat More Fat - Wait, more fat? What gives you a fat belly is bad nutrition and lack of exercise. Eating fat can actually help promote fat loss. Your body won't stock fat as much if you give it the healthy fats.

Fish oil is a great source of healthy fat to lose your belly fat. It will help increase testosterone levels and if you can begin your day with about 6 grams of omega-3 per day that's a good place to start off with.

Definitely stay away from the trans fats in things like margarine. This are absolutely bad for your health and should be avoided. Eat unprocessed foods 90% of your time too.

9. Lower Your Overall Body Fat - You have to realize that your belly is one of the last places that you're going to lose fat. If you have fat in other places you're going to need to focus on losing overall fat before you can really attack your stomach.

Here are some ways to do this:

Get Stronger - strength training builds muscle and increases fat loss.
Eat Healthy - Apply these rules of eating breakfast, eat every 3 or so hours, protein/veggies/fruits and carbs after your workout. Make sure to drink plenty of water.
Add cardio - think about sprints and interval training to maximize your gym time as opposed to long dull running.

10. Motivation - Look at your belly often and make it a commitment to yourself that you will get rid of belly fat. Measure your body fat so you're aware of progress. Even take pictures if you have to so you're reminded of goals and where you were and where you want to be.

Only you can control if you lose belly fat and if you want to know the best ways to lose belly fat just read this article again if you need to. Taking action on these 10 steps will greatly aid in losing stomach fat over the long term.

Joe Sladee, from http://www.destinationfatloss.com, is a fitness fanatic who's dedicated to helping anyone and everyone who has an ounce of motivation to lose weight and get fit. Join him on his fitness journey and get all the tips for a lean tone body free by visiting him and his program at http://www.destinationfatloss.com.